About Us

Our Setting
Middlebury Community Schools serves three townships in northeastern Elkhart County, Indiana, covering 100 square miles. Quality housing developments and a thriving manufacturing economy have been major factors in the steady growth of the district over the past decades. The school corporation provides a unique environment with a blend of traditional values and progressive education. We are conveniently close to major highways, railways and airports, where residents can have access to nearby urban centers of culture, entertainment and higher education. The system has seven schools. There are 4 elementary schools (grades K-3); an intermediate school (grades 4-5); a middle school (grades 6-8) and a high school (grades 9-12).
Our Structure
The corporation is governed by a five-member elected school board which takes responsibility for educating all students in the district who are capable of learning, regardless of their abilities, race, color, national origin, creed, or handicap.
Our Most Important Educational Task
The Middlebury School Board believes that the school's most important educational task is that of working toward the maximum intellectual and affective development of students in an atmosphere that recognizes the uniqueness of the individual, and provides nurture and humane treatment.
Further Information
For further information on our program, we suggest you contact our administrative office in Middlebury, at (574) 825-9425. We invite you to browse through our website; we have included a few facts about each of the schools and about the services of the entire corporation.