Gift Wrapping Station in Kindergarten. Wrapping presents is harder than it looks. These little elves were learning a lot figuring out how to do this on their own. Problem solving fun!
9 months ago, Tricia Brickner
Shout out to WNDU Meteorologist Matt Engelbercht, Andrew Whitmyer, and their polar bear mascot. 2nd graders have been studying and writing about weather this quarter. They learned a lot from our visitors.
9 months ago, Tricia Brickner
2nd Grade took a trip to Ethos STEM Center to learn about space. Students made straw rockets, fizzy rockets and visited the star dome to learn about visiting the moon.
9 months ago, Tricia Brickner
News Flash... Store is open for one more day!
9 months ago, Tricia Brickner
Jefferson Winter Music Program Thursday, December 7 1st & 2nd Grades
9 months ago, Juanita Friesen
Winter Music Program
The Penguin Patch is open the rest of the week. Each grade has a specific day/time to shop. Friday, December 8th is the last day and the Penguin Patch will be open for any students that bring money to shop.
9 months ago, Juanita Friesen
Penguin Patch Reminder
Jefferson Team K: This team has a team shirt for every occasion and even when there isn't an occasion.
9 months ago, Tricia Brickner
Shout Outs! We love bragging on our amazing students who work hard each day. These students met academic goals! Great job Tigers!!
9 months ago, Tricia Brickner
New from the JES PTO this year. The Penguin Patch Holiday Shop allows students to shop for Christmas presents for their families. Watch for more information to be coming home with your student in the coming days. Shopping will be next week, December 4-8.
9 months ago, Juanita Friesen
Penguin Patch Holiday Shop
Snow fun at Jefferson!
9 months ago, Tricia Brickner
snow fun
snow fun
These third grade students were the first two to receive a black belt in music by playing the recorder. This means they mastered all the songs assigned to them . You can see our third graders play their recorders at the Spring concert.
9 months ago, Tricia Brickner
Jefferson Annual Food Drive begins December 1. All donations go to the Food Pantry at Jefferson Community Church
9 months ago, Juanita Friesen
Food Drive 2023
Food Drive 2023
Jefferson PTO Skating Party - Tuesday, November 28. Come join the fun!
9 months ago, Juanita Friesen
Skating Party Reminder
We are thankful for our Jefferson students, their families, and our community!
9 months ago, Tricia Brickner
A feast in Mrs. Highley's class. Students made Stone Soup which is based off a book that involves everyone sharing something to make a yummy dinner.
9 months ago, Tricia Brickner
1st Grade enjoys a Thanksgiving breakfast together!
9 months ago, Tricia Brickner
JES Hacienda Give-Back on Monday, November 20. Turn in gift card orders by 8:00am. Checks payable to JES PTO.
10 months ago, Juanita Friesen
Hacienda Reminder
Here they are... shout outs! Proud of these students who are applying the life skills of kindness and problem solving!
10 months ago, Tricia Brickner
State Robotics Initiative VEX GO Student Pre-Surveys - The grades K-2 survey is available at - The grades 3-5 survey is available at
10 months ago, Middlebury Community Schools
robot logo from TechPoint Foundation for Youth