April York Reads Everywhere! For the month of April, we challenge you to read: In a cozy spot inside or out, outside in the sun, with a flower, under a tree, with your pet. Grade Level Challenges: Kindergarten: Take a photo while you read a book about bugs, 1st Grade: Take a photo while you read a book about flower or plants, 2nd Grade: Take a photo while you read a book about weather, 3rd Grade: Take a photo while you read about Earth Day or taking care of the environment. Don't forget to take a photo and attach it to the comments on this post to be eligible for the prize!
over 1 year ago, York Elementary School
The Northridge High School Northern Lights and Starlights show choirs performed this week for our elementary schools. The performances by these state championship choirs gave our younger students the opportunity to experience a show choir performance and helped them dream big about working hard and succeeding! Come out this Thursday, March 23rd to the NHS Auditorium at 7:00 to hear these choirs, along with the NMS Knight Lights. The performance is free to the community(donations accepted). Photo credit: Amber Byers
over 1 year ago, Middlebury Community Schools
Learning can happen in many different ways. Sometimes it works best in small groups where more individual attention can be given to students. We are thankful for the adults who work with students every day in these small group settings!
over 1 year ago, Middlebury Community Schools
Small Group
Small Group
Shout Out to Miss West! She did a great job this week tying music careers into music class for Career Week. The kids loved it!
over 1 year ago, York Elementary School
music 2
A few pictures of Kindergarten using our new career day dress up sets for Career Week!
over 1 year ago, York Elementary School
KidsCare Camp Koda
over 1 year ago, York Elementary School
Camp Koda
Announcement regarding upcoming children's resale event
over 1 year ago, York Elementary School
Upcoming Spirit Week March 6th - 10th!
over 1 year ago, York Elementary School
Spirit Week
It is now time to register for kindergarten for the '23-'24 school year! Online registration is available at https://tech.mcsin-k12.org/forms/packet.cfm?type=2&id=7. You may also visit the school or registrar's office for paper copies.
over 1 year ago, York Elementary School
KG Registration
The new March 2023 newsletter has been posted at https://5il.co/1pxwv.
over 1 year ago, Middlebury Community Schools
York Elementary School recently celebrated a Family Literacy Night last night. STEAM activities were based on their school wide Reading Challenge with authors Keiko Kasza and Kevin Henkes. What a great event for families!
over 1 year ago, Middlebury Community Schools
York Family Reading Night
York Family Reading Night
York Family Reading Night
York Family Reading Night
York Family Reading Night
York Family Reading Night
York Family Reading Night
Raider Career Week. Look for more information to come home this week!
over 1 year ago, York Elementary School
Career Week
We need your help! The clinic is in need of all sizes of boys underwear. If you have any gently used underwear that can be donated we would greatly appreciate that. We are also happy to be able to provide change of clothing to our students whenever needed, but wanted to remind everyone that those borrowed clothing need to be cleaned and returned so that we are able to continue to provide items when needed.
over 1 year ago, York Elementary School
Spring picture day is coming up on Friday, March 3rd. Participation is optional. A green form was sent home last week. If you would like to participate, please complete the form and return to school by March 1st.
over 1 year ago, York Elementary School
School Picture
After reviewing updates from numerous weather sources, we see the likelihood of ice and sleet moving through our area during the morning commute. In order to prioritize the safety of our students and staff, we will operate today, February 22, on a 2-hour delay to allow this system to pass. Start times are as follows: K-3 at 9:40, HIS at 10:00, NMS at 10:40, and NHS at 10:45.
over 1 year ago, Middlebury Community Schools
Mrs. Kenworthy's class at York Elementary spent time yesterday making Valentine's Day slime! Students learned about solids, liquids, and gases. It sure looks like they had a fun time learning during this science project!
over 1 year ago, Middlebury Community Schools
Valentine's Slime
Valentine's Slime
Valentine's Slime
Valentine's Slime
Valentine's Slime
Valentine's Slime
Today is National School Resource Officer Day. We wish to thank our MCS Police Department for the work they do on a daily basis to keep our school safe. Thank you for your service and for the relationships you build with students every day!
over 1 year ago, Middlebury Community Schools
York Elementary School 3rd grade students presented and played ukuleles at the School Board meeting this past Tuesday. Every 3rd grade student at YES is able to learn ukulele as a part of their music curriculum. Music is an integral part of the MCS school curriculum and we are proud of what is happening at York!
over 1 year ago, Middlebury Community Schools
REMINDER! We are collecting donations for the Food Pantry now until February 17th. We are asking for donations of: fruit snack cups, juice containers (box, bottle, or pouch), canned vegetables/soup, canned goods, macaroni and cheese, and pantry breakfast items.
over 1 year ago, York Elementary School
February York Reads Everywhere!! For the month of February, we challenge you to read: In cozy pajamas, outside in the snow, with a cup of hot chocolate, with you favorite blanket, in a cozy spot at home, in a fort (made inside or outside). Grade level challenges! Kindergarten: Take a photo while you read a book about Valentine's Day. First grade: Take a photo while you read a book about Groundhog's Day. Second grade: Take a photo while you read a book about President's Day. Third grade: Take a photo while you read a book about Black History!
over 1 year ago, York Elementary School