Civil War Day for 8th Graders!
11 months ago, Scott Miller
Dress for the day
Mrs. Lincoln
Mr. Lincoln
Baseball back then
At attention
Dressed for the day
Looking good!
In Character
Great job 8th graders helping at Krider Gardens!
11 months ago, Scott Miller
Krider Gardens
NMS Academic Super Bowl teams had a GREAT showing today at Wawasee! English & Social Studies placed 4th, Science & Interdisciplinary placed 3rd and Math placed 2nd! Great job!
11 months ago, Scott Miller
Academic Super Bowl Team
Attention all A.M. car riders, please remember if you are using the drop off line in front of Heritage School, there are HIS students being dropped off at the same time. They may be exiting the driver's side or stop sooner than you would. Please be patient! Student safety is more important than getting through the line quickly. Thank you!
11 months ago, Scott Miller
Caden Risse (10th grader) came to NMS coding club to lead a lesson on Python! His coding lesson is one that will help our students bridge the gap between block based and traditional code. We don't know if Caden is considering a career in education, but our coding club sponsors, Ms. Wagner and Mr. Gagich, think he's a natural born leader. Thank you, Mr. Risse!
12 months ago, Kristyn Martin
Thank you to THOR for spending a day with each of our 8th grade science classes the past 2 weeks🤩Our kids enjoyed their time and so did the teachers!💚💛Thankful for the amazing partnerships we have with the community!
about 1 year ago, Kristyn Martin
Mr. Hahn's 6th grade science classes were learning about physical properties today and going from a liquid to a solid. 💛💚Today students made Oobleck👩‍🔬👨‍🔬
about 1 year ago, Kristyn Martin
Great weekend to be a Raider!
about 1 year ago, Scott Miller
ISSMA results
Mr. Zook had a special guest, Emma Clark, as a co-anchor for student announcements this morning! She did a wonderful job!! During announcements our most recent Notable Northridge Raiders were announced as well! Thank you for showing our GO RAIDER traits Logan Groves, Darnell Slabach, Brayden Warman, Mason Sharp, Max Lizardo-Perez, Emily Yoder, Landen Owens, Oliver Abbs, and Trentin Miller!!
about 1 year ago, Kristyn Martin
Morning Announcments
Attention 8th Grade Families: It's that time to be thinking about next year! Northridge High School requests your attendance on February 29th from 6:30-8:00pm for high school scheduling. Please contact the high school counseling department with questions.
about 1 year ago, Kristyn Martin
High School Ahead
Raider Idol is right around the corner on Friday, March 15th, and we need your help to make it a success! Your student should have brought home a donation and volunteer form home for you to complete earlier this week. If you are willing to donate your time that evening or items for our concession stand, please complete the form and return it to school no later than Friday, February 23rd. Please do not bring any items to the school at this time. We will contact you after all forms are turned in to confirm your donation or volunteer time. Thanks in advance for your help!(
about 1 year ago, Kristyn Martin
Talent Show
Progress reports were sent home with students yesterday afternoon (2/13/24). If your student no longer has their progress report, you can access their grades and information on Power School. Thanks!
about 1 year ago, Kristyn Martin
We are showing our spirit for Riley Children's Hospital this week!! Students are able to purchase a CRUSH during lunch to send to their friends for Valentine's Day as part of our fundraiser💛💚The {spirit week} leads up to the 8th grade Riley Dance Marathon after school on February 23rd💗Our 8th grade students can get teams together and sign up (last day to sign up is Thursday 2/15)! If you are unable to participate but want to donate to Riley on NMS's behalf, please check out the link (
about 1 year ago, Kristyn Martin
Spirit Week
Students in Mrs. Stout's science classes are learning all about chemical reactions👩‍🔬🧑‍🔬A great lesson with multiple live demonstrations, media clips for understanding and guided notes💚💛
about 1 year ago, Kristyn Martin
Lemon Juice vs Vinegar
Mrs. Magnuson's classes are working with motion sensors to learn about linear equations🤩 Lots of laughs in math class this morning as students work together to complete the task💚💛
about 1 year ago, Kristyn Martin
Please join us for our Student Led Conferences on October 17th and 18th from 4:15-8:15! We are excited to welcome families to talk with teachers and counselors and to see all the amazing things our kids are doing. A reminder that students need to bring their charged chromebook with them!
over 1 year ago, Kristyn Martin
Student Led Conferences
Candy sale ended yesterday, Monday - October 9th. Please return all money collected as soon as possible. Candy was due on Monday and is no longer accepted unless you contact Mrs. Martin.
over 1 year ago, Scott Miller
Free & Reduced benefits expired on 9/29/23. If you did not reapply this school year, please follow the link below, scroll to bottom, click "START MEAL APPLICATION". Enter Middlebury Community Schools and all information needed to complete your application for the 23-24 school year.
over 1 year ago, Scott Miller
Candy Sales AND Entrepreneurship at its finest last night at the football game! We are so excited to kick-off our school wide fundraiser of selling World's Finest Chocolates! There will be many opportunities for student prizes and winners💚💛🤩🍫 Families--thank you for supporting NMS!
over 1 year ago, Kristyn Martin
The Candy Sale has begun💚💛🍫
Mrs. Varner hosted this years first Game Day and it was a success! Kids are already excited for the next one💚💛
over 1 year ago, Kristyn Martin
Game Day Fun!
Game Day Fun!
Game Day Fun!
Game Day Fun!