Game 1: Tuesday, March 4, 7:00 PM – Concord vs. Warsaw (H) | 🔗 Ticket Link
Game 2: Friday, March 7, 6:00 PM – Northridge🔰 vs. Elkhart (H) | 🔗Ticket Link
Game 3: Friday, March 7, 8:00 PM – Goshen vs. Winner Game 1 (H) | Use Ticket Link for Game 2
Game 4: Saturday, March 8, 7:00 PM – Championship – Winner Game 3 vs. Winner Game 4 (H) | 🔗Ticket Link
SITE: North Side Gym, 300 Lawrence Street, Elkhart
ADMISSION: $7.00 per day. Tickets may be purchased with cash at the door or with the links above. Preschool children are free.
SEATING: There will be no reserved seats in North Side Gym. Schools will be assigned a section for seating. School names will be placed over the appropriate
seating sections. (main level seating for teams playing on that particular date)
PARKING: Spectators may park in the south, north or west lot. Handicap parking is on a first come/first serve basis.
CONCESSIONS: There will be 2 concession stands on the lower level.
RESTRICTIONS: The following items are not permitted:
1. Balloons, banners, and / or posters, etc.
2. Cowbells and other noise devices (including thunder sticks).
3.“Line-up” lanes of fans
4.The throwing of articles, including toilet tissue or candy.
5.Shirts and shoes must be worn at all times.
1.Sportsmanlike conduct will be expected of all spectators at all times.
2.Spectators will not be permitted on the playing floor at any time, including immediately after the contest.
3.No Pass outs will be issued.
4.North Side Gym is a tobacco & smoke-free facility. (including smoke free/vaping)
HOME TEAM: The second named team in the bracket is the home team. They wear light colored uniforms and have a choice of bench. (Exception: Host team shall always
have a choice of bench). The first named team is the visiting team, and wears dark colored uniforms. The basket for each team for practice before the game and to shoot at
for the first half shall be the one further from its team bench.
TEAM BENCH: During a game, the players’ bench may be occupied only by the eligible players, coaches, team manager(s), team statistician(s), scorekeeper, etc. Any
unauthorized persons should be instructed to remove themselves from the players’ bench.
REGIONAL: The winner of the Elkhart Sectional will play the winner of the Michigan City Regional on Saturday, March 15.
Game 1 – Tuesday, March 4 – Concord vs. Warsaw (H)
6:00 PM Doors open for spectators.
6:30 PM On scoreboard clock, 20 minute practice session to begin
6:50 PM Scoreboard clock reads 0:00 and buzzer sounds. Introduction of all 12 players and coaches on each team.
6:58 PM National Anthem
7:00 PM Game begins
Game 2 – Friday, March 7 – Northridge🔰vs. Elkhart (H)
5:00 PM Doors open for spectators.
5:30 PM On scoreboard clock, 20 minute practice session to begin
5:50 PM Scoreboard clock reads 0:00 and buzzer sounds. Introduction of all 12 players and coaches on each team.
5:58 PM National Anthem.
6:00 PM Game begins
Game 3 – Friday, March 7 – Goshen vs. Winner Game 1 (H)
1.Game 2 teams should remain in the locker room until the clock is reset and buzzer sounds for teams to enter.
2. Teams will be notified when they may take the floor. Teams may warm up for 20 minutes until the clock reads 0:00.
3. Teams will be introduced as outlined above, with the exception of the National Anthem.
Game 4 – Saturday, March 8 – Championship – Winner Game 2 vs. Winner Game 3 (H)
6:00 PM Doors open for spectators
6:35 PM On scoreboard clock, 20 minute practice session to begin
6:55 PM Scoreboard clock reads 0:00 and buzzer sounds. Introduction of starting players and coaches on each team.
6:58 PM National Anthem.
7:00 PM Game begins
Following the game, teams will assemble to receive awards. 20 minutes will be put on the scoreboard and the Sectional Champion will be permitted to cut down the nets
following the presentation of the trophy.