AM Drop Off / PM Pick Up Maps

Heritage AM Drop Off

Heritage AM Drop Off Options map (updated 01/09/2024)

Option #1:

Opens at 7:35. Enter at the 4 way stop by the tennis courts. Once the line gets backed up to the parking lot on the west side of the middle school gymnasium, please form 2 lines. One of the lines will remain on the road and the other line will go through the parking lot. At the point where the two lines merge, vehicles will stop. They will then alternate going, just as you would at an all way stop on the street. Once you get to Heritage, pull forward as far as possible. Once students exit the car, they will enter Heritage through the entrance on the South end of the building (not the main entrance).

Option #2:

Opens at 7:40. Enter and exit via Knight Drive (enter by high school football field). Pull forward as far as possible. Once students exit the car, they will enter Heritage through the main entrance. Make sure to exit using Knight Drive. Do NOT use middle school parking lot.

Heritage PM Pick Up

PM pick up map

PM Pick Up Begins at 2:20.

ALL students must be picked up at the southeast corner of the building along the sidewalk.  Cars will form a line around the parking lot.  Students will wait with the supervisors until their car comes to a complete stop along the sidewalk.